( ! ) Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function App::_404(), 0 passed in /www/wwwroot/filmov.tv/includes/App.class.php on line 150 and exactly 2 expected in /www/wwwroot/filmov.tv/includes/App.class.php on line 1059
( ! ) ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function App::_404(), 0 passed in /www/wwwroot/filmov.tv/includes/App.class.php on line 150 and exactly 2 expected in /www/wwwroot/filmov.tv/includes/App.class.php on line 1059
Call Stack
10.0001419496{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.02082858944App->run( ).../index.php:82
30.02082859552App->_404( $message = ???, $messkey = ??? ).../App.class.php:150